Watch A Movie in a Foreign Country? Why Not?

It was my third day in Bangkok and my friend just arrived from Chiang Mai, Thailand. Both of us were don’t know where else to go, so, we’ve decided to watch a movie (Well, we don’t have much money to go to a club). There, we give it a try. 

We went to Paragon Cineplex at Siam Paragon to watch a movie and just read that they have the best cinema ever (and it’s true) also, I have read a blog that when you’re visiting Bangkok and planning to visit a cinema (which is something most normal traveler don’t do) you better visit the cinema where many foreigners come to visit or watch to avoid the movie has already been dubbed.

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Arrived at Paragon Cineplex, I kinda hooked with the interior of the cinema. It was beautiful, even they have Starbucks inside the cinema, how classy is that? Enough with the stunning interior, we are lining up to buy the ticket. It cost 250 Bath for standard seats and 270 Bath for priority seats (A-C rows). In Jakarta, that would be the price if you’re watching at The Premiere.

Then, what movie that we watch?

*drum rolls*

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We watched Fifty Shades Freed. YES! We’re finally seeing Mr.Grey on the cinema. The movie is not playing in my country from the first series and I certainly understand why. I could easily pick to watch Black Panther at that time, Nah, I prefer to see Mr. Grey.

Anyway, what’s interesting about the cinema?

Well, there was one thing that makes the differences, None other than, National Anthem. I have also read a blog that before they’re playing the movie the cinema will play National Anthem of Thailand and we must stand up while the song is playing. Which I think it’s pretty cool and honorable. Such a good way to remind us that to love and respect with your country. I have a lot of respect for Thailand’s culture. Other than that, everything was the same.


More info:
Paragon Cineplex,
Siam Paragon, 5th Floor

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